We require all children at Alton Infant School to wear our school uniform. This then encourages a sense of belonging and identity within our wonderful school community.
Our school uniform is practical and hard wearing. The colours of Alton Infant School are red with black or grey. Children also need sturdy and practical shoes with closed in toes, a waterproof coat with a hood and a cap or sun hat for hot Summer days. We have a good supply of new and pre-loved school uniform on site where samples of clothing can be seen, tried on and purchased. However, you may also purchase uniform from a wide range of retailers as uniform with a school logo is optional.
Required Uniform
- Black or grey elasticated waist trousers.
- White polo shirts, red school sweatshirt or cardigan.
- Sturdy school shoes.
- Waterproof coat with hood.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school.
Summer: As above or:-
- Black or grey elasticated trousers or shorts.
- White polo shirts.
- Sturdy school shoes or sandals with closed toes and a sun hat.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school.
P.E Kit:
- Short-sleeved red t-shirt.
- Grey or black jogging bottoms or black shorts.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school.
Items need to be in a small named P.E bag to be kept on their peg.
Required Uniform
- Black or grey elasticated waist trousers or leggings.
- Black or grey skirt or pinafore.
- Red school sweatshirt or cardigan.
- White polo shirts.
- Sturdy flat school shoes.
- Waterproof coat with hood.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school.
Summer: As above or:-
- Red checked sun dress.
- Red school sweatshirt or cardigan. If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can make purchases at school.
- Sturdy shoes or sandals with closed toes.
- Sun hat.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school.
P.E Kit:
- Short-sleeved red t-shirt with school logo (available to purchase at school).
- Grey or black jogging bottoms or black shorts.
If you opt to purchase uniform with a school logo, you can purchase items at school..
Items need to be in a small named P.E bag to be kept on pegs.
Please can you also supply your child with a named waterproof jacket. We like to go out in all weathers!
Please make sure all school clothing is named.
Companies available to purchase name tags from:
Plus many more online