Safeguarding & Child Protection
Please click on a link below to find out about safeguarding, child protection and what to do if you are worried about a child's safety or welfare. You will also find information about our age-appropriate teaching of safeguarding, personal, social, health and relationships education.
Internet, Digital and E-Safety
Keeping our children safe also includes digital and E-safety. Through our computing and PSHE lessons, children learn about the importance of internet and E-safety. They learn about and discuss five key E-safety rules and these are displayed through 'Give me e-five' posters which are displayed in each classroom.
The children are reminded that these rules apply in home as well as at school in order to keep them safe whenever they are on a computer or device that has access to the Internet.
- Don't share your password
- Never tell people you personal details
- Tell an adult if you think something is wrong
- Ask a grown up before using the Internet
- Don't open messages from strangers