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Wraparound Childcare & Extra-Curricular Activities

Wraparound Childcare.

We are able to provide before and after school activities. For further details please visit the school office.

Breakfast Club

Daily from 7.45am to 8.45am. Children must arrive before 8.20am to receive breakfast.

Children are offered a choice of cereals, yogurts, toast, milk & fruit juice. 

The cost is £5.00 per session, paid in advance.

Anstey Junior School After School Club

  • To book your children into the After School Club please contact Anstey Junior School Office on 01420 84486.
  • All club supervisors are qualified and experienced. 
  • Each evening has a different theme with many exciting activities.
  • All children are provided with a healthy snack during each session.
  • Sessions are 3.15pm-5.45pm.
  • Cost for each session is £11.00.

Please contact Anstey Junior School on: 01420 84486 for further information or collect an information pack from our school office.

Tennis Club

Tennis takes place on a Monday between 3.15pm - 4.15pm.

Cost for each session is £7.00.

The club is run by qualified tennis coach William May-Miller, and he can be contacted on

Gardening Club

Gardening Club is run by the school each Tuesday between 3.15pm and 4.45pm.

This club is very popular and, in order to restrict numbers, is only available to Year 2 children.

The Gardening Club costs £5.00 per session. Contact the school office for more information.

Little Voices - Singing and Drama Club

Little Voices is held each Wednesday between 3.15pm and 4.45pm.

Different singing and drama activities are offered each term, and it costs £6.50 per session.

Visit for more information.

We are currently looking into providing a weekly football and sports club.