Details of our Curriculum
Details of our curriculum are also contained in the 'Our Topics' page.
- Our Curriculum intention, implementation, impact and vision for learningpdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage intent, implementation and impact.pdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage Visionpdf
- Key Stage One Curriculum Mappdf
- Monitoring and Assessment Informationpdf
- EYFS Curriculum Map - including Key Skills, Literacy and Mathspdf
- EYFS-Personal Social and Emotional Development- Long Term Planpdf
- English Curriculum intention, implementation and impactpdf
- English Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- English Progression of Skills and Knowledge with links to bookspdf
- Maths Curriiculum intent implementation and impactpdf
- Maths Overview of Learning Outcomes - Year 1pdf
- Maths Overview of Learning Outcomes - Year 2pdf
- Maths Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Science Curriculum intent, implementation and impact.pdf
- Science Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Art intent, implementation and impactpdf
- Art Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Computing intent, implementation and impactpdf
- Computing Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Design Technology intent, implementation and impactpdf
- Design Technology Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Geography Curriculum intention, implementation and impactpdf
- Geography Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- History Curriculum intent, implementation and impactpdf
- History Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Music Curriculum intent, implementation and impactpdf
- Music Progression of Skills and Knowledge - Year Rpdf
- Music Progression of Skills and Knowledge - Year 1pdf
- Music Progression of Skills and Knowledge. - Year 2pdf
- Physical Education Curriculum intent, implementation and impact.pdf
- Physical Education Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- PSHE policy, intent, implementation and impact (1)pdf
- PSHE Progression of Skills and Knowledgepdf
- Religious Education Curriculum intent, implementation and impactpdf
- Religious Education Progression of Skills, Knowledge and Understandingpdf
- Relationship and Health Policy with intent, implementation and impact (1)pdf
- Reception, PSED and safeguarding for childrenpdf
- Subject Monitoring and Assessment Informationpdf
- Year 1 PSHE, RHE and safeguarding for pupilspdf
- Year 2 PSHE, RHE and safeguarding for pupilspdf